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Akram Khan's Outwitting the Devil is one of the greatest performances I ever saw.

I would have, but…

The Other Stories

That happened in December 29, 2021
Corridors of Art
La Biennale di Venezia memories
That happened in September 14, 2021
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20141030-2014-10-30 16.50.43
That happened in December 31, 2020
I would take it all on a luna night
Love0I would take it all on a luna night Take a walk up high where the answer flies I could leave it all before I...
That happened in December 15, 2020
How deep is the ocean? How high is the sky?
Love0Вчера Гугл отвалился на пол-часа и как же все оказалось хрупко-нестабильно. Love0
That happened in December 8, 2020
в доме своем, в пустыне
Love0” И мы так много говорили, и так много целовали, и так много трогали, что вскоре достигли того состояния, когда слова уже не помнят, кто...
Processed with VSCOcam with a5 preset
That happened in December 8, 2020
Happy Place
Love0“Nature is relationships in space. Geometry defines relationships in space. Art creates relationships in space.” – M. Boles and R. Newman      Love0